
Showing posts from February, 2021

Release #2: A basic CDC Model

F or our discussions I will define a reference model with functions, responsibilities and an organizational background. The external requirements are based on the EU and German ligislations and requirements for the finance sector. (1)   BTW, a well known eBook from Carson Zimmermann is named " Ten Strategies of a world-class Cybersecurity Operation Center " is a good read for practioneers. You should read it too.   CDC Reference Model Our CDC reference model does not include the responsibility for the administration of security technologies, like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, SIEM, AV scanners and such.   The detailed organizational setup depends on the size of the organisation, the bigger the organisation the less technical and administrative responsibilities should the CDC have and the more interdependence within the organisation exists. If the CDC is located outside the IT department (maybe in the staff department of the CISO), then it is very unlikely that the C

Release #1: Cyber Defense in highly regulated Markets - Intro

T oday, in the middle of the 21st century terms like "Cyberwar" and "Cybercrime" are omnipresent in our society. Fortunately the Cyberwar is (yet) no real war between states; instead it is a mixture of sabotage, espionoage, psyops, manipulation of information and as well the theft of money(1)(2)(3). The relams of nation-state hackers and cyber crimnals and also tradional crimnals overlap because it is oportunistic ("Go where the money is.").(4)   Between the 80s and the 90s of the 20th century our current situation was mostly just in the heads of computer nerds and cyberpunk authors. Some of the computer freaks stepped over the border, people that were called "Hackers" pushed the technology and thinking beyond its intention and limits, found failures (bugs) in the systems and codes to get control over telephone and computer systems for fun and to learn how they work. In these days every bigger IT company had their own Unix-flavor with their own h